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The path to Joyful work is not easy, but it could be the most important thing a person does in life. When work is enjoyable and aligns with one's deepest core values, all internal indicators increase, such as happiness, energy, sense of meaning in one's life, and the quality of life and relationships.

In this one hour discussion, you will learn:

  • What it means to have Joyful Work and why this is important for individuals and organizations
  • The elements which need to be in place for Joyful Work
  • An introduction to The Joyful Work Modelโ„ข
  • What individuals can do to enable their Joyful work
  • The steps which leaders and HR professionals can take to enable joy at work

More than likely, this question gets asked by one's manager or HR: Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Ten years? However, rarely is this follow-up question asked of management in return: How are you going to help me achieve my goals? Perhaps it's because many organizations have established job ladders and training programs for career progression. The focus is on growth within the company and usually within the specific job group.

Early in their careers, many people carry out their work because they have toโ€”little thought given to what work they would instead do. Over time, especially as people age, they discover that what they most want is a sense of fulfillment and coherence. This insight is usually not thought through very deeply. It starts as a feeling that one's work is no longer fulfilling or satisfying. The career development process, linked to existing job ladders and organizational opportunities, limits growth.

Additionally, these days, the younger generation wants and demands meaning out of their work. HR professionals and leaders need to enable meaning at work. In this talk, we will learn how!


  • Craig Nathanson (Educator, Author and Speaker at Sonoma State University)

    Craig Nathanson

    Educator, Author and Speaker at Sonoma State University


    Dr. Nathanson is the Program Coordinator for the Human Resource Management Certificate Program at Sonoma State University. He manages four certificate programs, which are offered twice a year, including a new advanced online H.R. certificate program., as well as certificate programs in professional sustainable skills and humanistic leadership.

    Dr. Nathanson is also an Adjunct Lecturer in the School Of Business and Economics at Sonoma State.

    Dr.Craig Nathanson is an Educator, Author, Speaker, and Coach for mid-life adults.

    Dr.Nathanson is a honorary lecturer at the Lincoln International School of Business in England.

    Dr. Nathanson has been teaching online graduate and undergraduate programs since 2001 at several universities in North America and Europe. Also, he is a visiting lecturer in Vietnam in partnership with Solvay Brussels School of Economics, Brussels, Belgium, and a visiting lecturer in China in collaboration with The Asia Center at Benedictine University, U.S. 

    Dr. Nathanson has a Ph.D. in Human and Organizational Systems, as well as Masters Degrees in Human Development and Telecommunications Management.

    He worked for over twenty years in various senior management positions in U.S. Fortune 500 companies. 

    Dr. Nathanson has written and published seven books on personal and mid-life development and management, including “The Best Manager: Getting better results through people.” Dr.
    Nathanson’s book “Joyful work in Midlife: The five stages,” accumulates twenty years of research in the intersection of work and midlife.
    Additionally, Dr.Nathanson just released his newest book in 2018, co-authored with his wife Natasha, a parenting book, “ Everybody needs a Bearhug, kids advice for their parents, 365 days a year “.

    Additionally, Dr.Nathanson was one of the original founding members of Pandesic, the joint venture of Intel-Sap as one of the first e-commerce companies as well as a vice-president of People P.C., a joint venture with Ford Motor Company. 

    His current research focuses on humanistic leadership, leadership through coaching, Joyful Work, and mid-life professional development. Dr. Nathanson developed and developed a thriving online community at http://drcraignathanson.com, which combines his work on leadership and joyful work.

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